Tirupati Tirumala Temple

Tirupati Balaji Temple history

Sri Venkateswara Mangalasasanam Tirumala Tirupati

Saravavayava Soundarya
Sampadha sarvachethasam
Sada sammohanayasthu
Venkatesaya Mangalam

You are the only God to make all parts of the body, rich and beautiful. You will be worshipped by all to get the hears filled with pleasure Mangalam to you Sri Venkatesha.

Nilhyaya niravadhyaya
Sathyananda chidhathmane
Srimadvenkatesaya Mangalam

Mangalam to you Sri Venkatesha, Who is staying in every heart. You are sachidanadarupa, who is not having bad mind and cannot to wrong work.

Swathassarvavide Sarvasakthaye
Sulabhya Suseelaya
Venkatesaya Mangalam

You know every thing yourself. You are having all extraordinary power with good character. Mangalam to you Sri Venkatesha who is first in all lokams and nearest to all devotees.